Terms of Use

Effective date: May 06, 2024

These Terms of Use ("Terms") govern your use of SnapFit, a fitness mobile application developed by WSFU, a company based in France. By accessing and using the SnapFit app, you agree to comply with these Terms. Please read them carefully.

  1. App Description

SnapFit app is a camera and a story maker for fitness workout built around a community feed.

  1. User Registration

An Apple account is needed to register to the app. The account is needed to publish your posts and communicate with your friends and fitness mates.

  1. Usage

WSFU is committed to making the app as helpful as possible, and we may make changes or introduce charges for the app's services without prior notice. Rest assured, any charges will be clearly communicated.

The app collects and processes your provided personal data to deliver its services. It's vital to secure your phone and app access by not jailbreaking or rooting your device, as it may compromise your phone's security and disrupt app functionality.

Please note that certain aspects of the app require an active internet connection, which can be Wi-Fi or mobile data. We cannot be held responsible if the app doesn't function fully without an internet connection.

Using the app outside Wi-Fi areas may result in charges from your mobile provider. Ensure you have the necessary permissions if you're not the bill payer for the device.

WSFU cannot be held accountable for device issues, such as running out of battery, which may prevent you from accessing the service.

While we aim to keep the app accurate, it relies on third-party information, and we accept no responsibility for any losses due to reliance on the app's functionality.

The app may receive updates that are essential for continued use. We don't guarantee ongoing updates or compatibility with specific iOS versions. You agree to accept updates when offered. We may cease providing the app without notice; upon termination, your rights to use the app end, and you must uninstall it from your device unless specified otherwise.

  1. App Termination

WSFU reserves the right to terminate the SnapFit app at any time and for any reason without prior notice. We are not obligated to maintain or provide the app, and we are not liable for any consequences resulting from its termination.

  1. Dispute Resolution

Any dispute arising from or in connection with the use of SnapFit shall be governed by and construed in accordance with French Law. Any legal action or proceeding concerning such disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.

  1. Workout tracking and recording

The SnapFit camera rely on your Apple Health workout and data to work. You'll need an app or a device that record activities in Apple Health to use our camera tools. The SnapFit app is not able to track or record your workout activities.

  1. Community Standards and Content Policy

By agreeing to these Terms of Use, you commit to maintaining a respectful and positive user environment on our platform. Our service is dedicated to the sharing of fitness content, and we have a strict no-tolerance policy for objectionable content or abusive behavior. Objectionable content includes, but is not limited to, any form of harassment, hate speech, discriminatory remarks, or content that promotes violence or illegal activities. Abusive behavior refers to any action that intentionally harms another user or disrupts their experience. We reserve the right to remove any content that violates these terms and to take appropriate actions against offending users, which may include a temporary or permanent ban from our platform. It is crucial that all users read and understand these conditions, ensuring our community remains a supportive and constructive space for everyone interested in fitness.

  1. Contact

If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback related to SnapFit, please contact us via email at support@wsfu.co. We will do our best to assist you promptly.